
what are the symptoms?

Fibromyalgia is characterised by the presence of chronic widespread pain in the musculoskeletal system, resulting in a reduction in daily activities and ability to work. The condition is also accompanied by other symptoms such as sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, anxiety, muscle-tension headache, lower back pain, memory lapses, mood swings, leg cramps, joint stiffness, shortness of breath, difficulty in concentration, mental and neuro-vegetative symptoms. As a result, the patient suffers constant discomfort and ultimately lives with uncertainty, with a drastic negative impact on their quality of life. Fibromyalgia sufferers are treated with pharmacological remedies, which can be accompanied by therapeutic pathways such as physiotherapy and thermal therapy. We focus specifically on the latter in order to help patients manage pain and live with a disabling and chronic disease.

Wellness Project

The Terme di Riolo Fibromyalgia Wellness Project

Nel 2008 Terme di Riolo ha realizzato il primo protocollo multimodale e multidisciplinare per il trattamento della sindrome fibromialgica, dal quale si sono sviluppati anche grazie a collaborazioni prestigiose con Medici Specialisti, Associazioni e Università, programmi con attività diversificate.

Visualizza il listino terapie e trattamenti

Programma Termale Fibromialgia

È il percorso termale che esiste dal 2012 con lo scopo di ridurre la sensazione spiacevole del dolore, recuperando il movimento naturale del proprio corpo e migliorando la qualità della vita.

Struttura percorso

Programma posturale Fibromialgia

Nuovo percorso termale adattato a chi soffre di fibromialgia, per la correzione della postura, il recupero del movimento e la riduzione della stanchezza soprattutto durante le comuni attività quotidiane.


Percorsi di Idro-Fibromialgia
Il “Percorso Idro-Fibromialgia è promosso dall’Associazione AMRER Onlus insieme al COTER Consorsio delle terme dell’Emilia-Romagna, per favorire l’accesso a specifici protocolli e percorsi di Attività Fisica Adattata per persone con Fibromialgia, da svolgersi in ambiente termale per migliorare la sintomatologia dolorosa.

Per Info e prenotazioni
Tel. 051 249045

motor rehabilitation


Hydrokinesitherapy, if we know our Greek, means using water as a therapy to improve movement. In other words, there’s nothing better than using thermal water, taking advantage of the beneficial powers given by the warmth and the minerals it contains.
At Terme di Riolo we use salso-bromo-iodine water with anti-inflammatory, sedative, decongestant and antimicrobial properties.
The temperature is maintained at 34°C to encourage gradual muscle relaxation during the work to recover joint movement.
For this reason water is used in the treatment of low back pain, musculoskeletal trauma, scoliosis, hernias, polyneuropathy, Parkinson’s disease, arthrosis, arthritis and in pre- and post-orthopaedic surgical care, following the five precepts:

These five points are the work phases specified by our rehabilitation therapists in order to improve outcomes and reduce the time for functional recovery.


Used in synergy with hydrokinesitherapy, employing state-of-the-art equipment such as:

STRALE gymnastics: a Terme di Riolo speciality

What movements do we make every day and, more important, how? Take, for example, the classic six-bottle pack of water. Most of us hold our breath and raise our shoulders as we load it into the boot of the car, releasing our breath only when it’s done. In fact, we should be doing the exact opposite. Other typical situations: we sit at our desks, climb the stairs and walk down the street without a thought for our posture and the body parts we’re using. Mistakes like these can cost our physique dearly over time. The point is that we’re not aware of them unless someone points them out and shows us how to correct them. STRALE gymnastics, designed by Prof. Alessandra Randi, fills these gaps, focusing on motor education as a primary tool for wellbeing. Prevention, globality and conscious movement are key words in this gymnastics of wellness. Teaching consists of an information section, followed by exercises for coordination, stretching, toning, balance, joint mobility, breath work, posture and relaxation. The goal is to educate people to be aware of the movements of their bodies, observing them and perceiving their musculoskeletal composition.

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"Calici e Stelle" sabato 5 ottobre


Vi aspettiamo venerdì 4 e sabato 5 ottobre dalle ore 18! 

Sabato 5 ottobre ritorna l’evento “Calici e Stelle” con la presenza della Cantina Mordini di Riolo Terme. 

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